API Reference


The Whal3s ecosystem provides you all the tools that you need to ship a completely embedded utility experience.
To do so, the first step is to register for the Whal3s App - the heart of Whal3s and the place where you will always return to - just use the registration link from below.

The Whal3s ecosystem

Whal3s AppHeart of the Ecosystem where you register your account, create new API tokens, setup and manage utilities, use our service tools and analyse your usage data.
Link: app.whal3s.xyz
Whal3s APICommunication layer of the Whal3s ecosystem. Our API provides all endpoints you need to ship utility: Create new utility, fetch configuration in your frontend, grab and validate NFTs of your users, reserve their claiming slots and finally store their claim. Of course, that's not all. Check out the documentation and get creative.

Documentation: click here
whal3s.jsFrontend connection with ease. After you configured you utility to fit your needs and to provide the best user experience you want to implement it to your webapp. That's where whal3s.js comes into place. Import this library and you we be ready within a short space of time.

Documentation: click here
NPM: @whal3s/whal3s.js
Github: Whal3s-xyz/whal3s.js
Demo pageIf you want to know how a utility can feel like, just visit our demo page. Always be aware, the front-end experience is what you provide. The demo is just an example we developed in 4 hours.

Demo: click here